Greek and foreign printing houses have been operating since the 15th century in the thriving Greek communities of the West, as well as in the East, the Danube Principalities and Russia. Their production focuses on religious, mainly liturgical books, covering the liturgical needs of Orthodox Christians in the Turkish-occupied areas.
The library of the Holy Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Makrinitsa has been rich in precious books, used for the liturgical needs of the Parish Churches of the Community. These books have been collected, recorded and maintained, so that these works of particular scientific, artistic and historical value, highlighting the prosperity of the region, are accessible to scientific research. The section features selected books from the 18th to the 20th century, Gospels with luxurious bindings and rich illustrations, Minaia (Monthlies), Pentikostaria (Pentecostals), Paraklitikes (Intercessories) and Orologia.