Holy vestments are the functional garments used by the Clergy in the celebration of the sacred Mysteries and Services, and indeed the Divine Liturgy: the sakkos, the phelonion (pellon), the mantle, the omophorion (scapular), the zone (belt), the epitrachelion (stole), the orarion, the epimanika, the epigonation. They are distinctive to the three degrees of Priesthood: the Deacon, the Presbyter, and the Bishop. Their use is already known from the Old Testament. Nevertheless, during the long Christian tradition, they have been enriched with Christian symbols and in many cases decorated with rich gold-embroidered decoration. Holy vestments are accompanied by the chest-worn crosses, engolpion/pectoral crosses, high priest mitres, and pastoral rods.
In this section clerical vestments are displayed, which from time to time were used by the chaplains of the Makrinitsa parish, or are donations to the Museum.
1) Russian golden-weaved epitrachelion (stole) with purple decoration,
donated by Archimandrite Damaskinos Kiametis
2) Russian golden-weaved epitrachelion (stole) with herbal decoration
3) Russian golden-weaved phellonion with herbal decoration
4) Russian golden-weaved phellonion with purple decoration, donated by Archimandrite Damaskinos Kiametis
5) Covers of Sacred Vessels with colorful embroidered herbal decoration,
donated by Archimandrite Damaskinos Kiametis
6) Liturgical Aer (veil) with colorful embroidered herbal decoration,
donated by Archimandrite Damaskinos Kiametis
7) Covers of Sacred Vessels in purple velvet with gold-thread decoration
8) Priestly cuffs golden-weaved with purple decoration, donated by Archimandrite Damaskinos Kiametis
9) Priestly epigonation golden-weaved with purple decoration,
donated by Archimandrite Damaskinos Kiametis
10) Antimensiums of Metropolitan of Demetrias Germanos 1908
11) Full priestly golden-weaved Russian vestment
12) Covers of Sacred Vessels in red velvet
13) Liturgical Aer (veil) decorated with embroidered herbal decoration
14) Priestly cuffs golden-weaved
15) Priestly Byzantine phelonion golden-weaved with purple decoration,
donated by Archimandrite Damaskinos Kiametis
16) Priestly cuffs golden-weaved with purple decoration, donated by Archimandrite Damaskinos Kiametis
17) Priestly belt, golden-weaved with purple decoration, donated by Archimandrite Damaskinos Kiametis
18) Priestly epigonation golden-weaved with purple decoration,
donated by Archimandrite Damaskinos Kiametis
19) Golden-weaved cover of Sacred Chalice with herbal decoration
20) Russian golden-weaved phelonion with herbal decoration
21) Priestly belt
22) Priestly epigonation gold-thread embroidered in crimson velvet with animal and herbal decoration,
donated by Archimandrite Damaskinos Kiametis
23) Priestly cuffs gold-thread embroidered in red chiffon velvet,
donated by Archimandrite Damaskinos Kiametis
24) Priestly golden-weaved epigonation, donated by Archimandrite Damaskinos Kiametis
25) Priestly epitrachilion (stole) golden-weaved, donated by Archimandrite Damaskinos Kiametis